KEVIN BERLIN "UNCENSORED:" AQUA ART MIAMI, invites you to participate in an on-site video experience and solo painting project presented by Mark Miller Gallery, Lower East Side, New York City. Intended for mature audiences only.
The Artist uses the warning labels on cigarettes as a platform to raise questions about important social issues such as personal liberty and freedom of expression.
Miami Beach, Florida -- November 8, 2013 -- AQUA ART MIAMI, KEVIN BERLIN "UNCENSORED," Mark Miller Gallery room 205
Location: Aqua Art Miami at the Aqua Hotel. 1530 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach, FL.,+1 305 515 8573
Exhibition Dates: December 3-8, 2013 VIP preview: Wednesday, December 4. 4-11pm Access for Art Miami, CONTEXT and Aqua Art Miami VIP Cardholders & Press
General Admission: Thursday, December 5. 12 pm - 9 pm Friday, December 6. 11 am - 9 pm Saturday, December 7. 11 am - 9 pm Sunday, December 8. 11 am - 6 pm

"Kevin Berlin is courageous with his new show "UNCENSORED." Mark Miller Gallery is always pleased to show Berlin's work because the artist communicates what people are thinking about but are afraid to say. In the Lower East Side, New York City, we love showing the hottest, cutting edge artists and challenging work because we believe in freedom of expression." - Mark Miller, Mark Miller Gallery, New York City
"Kevin Berlin is perhaps the greatest artistic genius since Leonardo Da Vinci." - Kevin Berlin, artist
"Kevin Berlin, art prodigy and visionary, is going to be more famous than Andy Warhol. If you can get your hands on a piece of his work, it's going to be worth millions; even before he's dead." - Ron Rice, Founder Hawaiian Tropic, Owner Sterling Models International.
www.markmillergallery.com www.kevinberlin.com www.aquaartmiami.com